On-Farm Oilseed Processing
Presented by Jamie Derr, Derr Farms, Inc.
Saturday, November 1st, noon-4:00 pm
At the Willy St Co-op, 1221 Williamson St
Derr Farms Inc. is a 400 acre no-till cash crop operation located in between Sun Prairie and Columbus that has been family run for 125 years. Derr Farms has practiced conservation farming for the last 60 years with a rotation of soybeans, corn, winter wheat and now winter canola. Employing no-till, contour farming, terracing, intercropping and biofuel use, Derr Farms is a Top Tier Conservation Security Program farm. Jamie will explain how incorporating small scale on-farm oilseed processing can supply for the whole farm’s diesel fuel needs. Derr Farms goal is to become an energy neutral (net-zero) demonstration operation.
Truck Driving on BioDiesel
Presented by Elliot Stokes
Wednesday, November 12th, 6:45-7:45 pm
At the Madison Central Library, 201 W Mifflin
Elliot will discuss his experiences using biodiesel to fuel his semi, including advantages, fuel problems and a comparison to petroleum diesel.