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July 15, 2009


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Ford 1999 F350 7.3 Diesel

I have had a GreaseCar conversion for one year with the regular 40 gallon aluminum tank they provide. The exchanger is a 5/8" copper tube mounted on the left inside of the tank which is a double loop that is about 4 ft long in total length.

I have had polymerization as described above and it has played havoc on my filter and all along the many months of problems I had no clue what in the world was causing the problems.
By the way I use a stainless steel mesh filter unit by "PurePower" located in California. Paper filters just don't cut it. With stainless steel you get a true "pass thru" filtering of the oil unlike all the standard paper filters so commonly used today which just bypass the oil. Washable with any detergent soap or solvent and lasts a lifetime! Fantastic unit. Anyway, I was talking to a chemical engineer from that company and he mentioned that ways to inhibit polymerization is by adding up to 25 percent diesel and even about 1 gallon to a 40 gallon tank. I think more than inhibiting the process it merely emulsified the molecules which then simply got burnt along with the veggie. I was told by this man that in all the years in the race car & stainless steel filter business and as well having a degree in chemical engineering, that he knew that it gets burned and does not effect the diesel in any way. Well it must be true as this is what I found out so far. Time will only tell for sure though.

This adding of addition fuels is against the whole principal of WVO but so far I've only done this once.

Just thought you might like to hear about what I have experienced and maybe help others.

I love my veggie!

Jim Anderson

I have done some rough experiments with various metals - a film of WVO on each of them, and exposed to air with no direct sunlight - not completely dark, but dim. Of course, copper is the worst. However, steel strap hit with a grinder to expose uncoated steel was almost as bad as copper. Surprisingly, stainless steel seemed to be almost as bad as hot rolled steel. Even more surprisingly, brass is not nearly as bad as copper - even though it is a "copper bearing alloy." Is it the presence of zinc? Galvanized steel seemed to retard the process to the level of plastic (where exposure to air is the only bad condition).
If anyone knows the best solvent for the gummy result of polymerization (for cleaning parts), I would be interested in hearing of it.
Jim Anderson 06776
[email protected]


i need more..........

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Copper heat-exchangers should be avoided, and oil should not be allowed to sit around in open containers in the sunlight. Use fuel systems that heat the fuel only to the extent necessary


Thanks for the amazing post, Now I will read time to time that...

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Great Information and post! It is very informative and suggestible for the user of solar energy, May I think it can be beneficial in coming days...

Air Jordans

So funny, I think.*


Has anyone tried the product POR15 Fuel Tank Sealer? (along with the appropriate preparation products i.e Marine Clean and Prep&Ready stuff...)
I was reading on another forum that i creates a protective plastic lining inside your tank which is designed to prevent corrosion but also acts to separate WVO from the steel... limiting polymerization... least thats the theory anyway. Anyone tried this?

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Milan Bosnich

I have a International Sline Tipper Truck Cummins L10 250hp.
Have 2 tanks steel 1 straight diesel the other 70%WVO / 30% diesel blend. I have polemerization in the blend tank his rusty orange paste. Will be cleaning tank out with hi pressure hot water spitfire. Will run diesel straight 1 tank with an additive called Fuelmaster made in Australia.
This product does not displace water but turns it in to H66 that apparrently gets burnt of in the fuel. This will also stop and clean up polemerization in the fuel frome on vehicle to storage tanks. The company is Austech Industrial Solution. As soon as i clean this tank up inside i will be trying there product before i go to the expense of alluminium tanks. This product looks very impressive. I spoke to a rep told him what i had he is very confident that this product will keep the fuel and tank clean.


Trans fats are man-made or processed fats, which are made from a liquid oil. When hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oil and pressure is added, the result is a stiffer fat, like the fat found in a can of Crisco.

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