We have some exciting news! We have worked out a deal with Cambridge Auto Repair Specialist (CARS) to work on our members vehicles for $75/hour, less than you were paying at our location on Stoughton Road. They have offered us a very generous profit sharing plan. The more people who service their cars in Cambridge the more money that comes back to PrairieFire. We are also working hard to get our fueling tanks up and running in their shop. Hopefully this will be our first of many locations to sell fuel around the greater Madison area.
They have a very good service shop and they can work on all makes and models. This includes diesel and gas vehicles. You must have a current membership with PrairieFire in order to take advantage of this deal. To renew your membership, click on Becoming a Member to the left.
Due to the location of Cambridge, we are hoping our network of members will help with rides to and from the shop. If you need a ride send an email to members (at) prairiefirebiofuels.org to ahead of time. Hopefully someone will be in the area to help you out.
Cambridge Auto Repair Specialist is located at 501 Verburg Street, Cambridge, WI 53523. Call them to schedule an appointment today: 608-423-9100.