By joining the PrairieFire BioFuels Cooperative you are participating in one of the most exciting new/old ideas to take hold in America - controlling where your fuel comes from. Rudolph Diesel had it right when he predicted that vegetable oils might one day rival the petroleum industry as a source of fuel. That may seem ludicrous now, but that’s why we have work to do. Help us change the tide by demanding locally sourced, sustainably produced, environmentally sound energy, and have fun doing it!
Membership rates are $75 for six months and $125 for one year. Please email us at pfbfinfo (at) to discuss the benefits of becoming a member and to receive a membership agreement.
Or, if you've already made up your mind you can send a check to P.O. Box 373, Madison, WI 53701-0373 (Please indicate on the memo that it is for membership.)